When an individual’s parent, their partner or one’s friend is diagnosed with a mental illness known as dementia then one wants to help them out in every possible way. This includes coping up with a particular patient’s memory, their skills, mood swings, their behavior and much more. 

There are some common practices which are being opted by a wide range of people now. This includes making use of home care services UK. On the other hand, a variety of individuals even send their loved ones to the best dementia care homes.

But there are many other things that one has to take care of. This includes working with a particular patient’s doctor so their “dementia symptoms” can be treated with full care and concentration. A person who is suffering from this disease can undertake several other activities too. This includes mental exercises, wholesome food, taking an active part in different social activities and much more. But if more focus is being made on those activities which require a particular person’s mind to be challenged then it will prove to be more useful for your loved one suffering from dementia.


There are some important medications which are well-suited for a dementia patient. These medications may be helpful for a particular period. A variety of doctors are prescribing medicines in order to get rid of problems which are caused due to dementia. This includes medicines to recover from anxiety, depression; poor sleep pattern and much more.

One can make use of antidepressants like “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors” (SSRIs) which help in improving mood swings and even irritability. On the other hand antipsychotic medicines like “aripiprazole(Abilify), haloperidol (Haldol), olanzapine (Zyprexa)” help to deal with different behaviors such as delusions, aggression and much more. Some doctors even prescribe strong medicines if one is facing a very severe form of dementia.


These vital approaches help an individual’s loved one’s memory and their thinking skills are given a sort of relaxation. Like this, their day is a bit brightened up too. One should always make use of those things by which ones dear and near one’s life is made simple instead of making them feel more frustrated.

In such cases, one can make use of “Reminiscence” therapy which includes talking with an individual about their personal life and about things which they are unable to discuss with other people.

These are some vital therapies and medications which are well-suited for dementia patients.